If you’re used to Western supply chains, you’re used to being able to get whatever you want, whenever you want.
In a crisis, however, trade and barter will become the norm.
The ideal situation to be in when SHTF is to already have those tradable goods on hand.
Below are twenty three of the best barter items to have in a crisis.
23 Most Valuable Barter Goods to Stock Up on Before SHTF
1. Canned Food

Canned food is going to be one of the most valuable barter goods in a crisis because of its long shelf life.
The most stressful thing about a crisis scenario is not knowing when you can expect normalcy to resume.
Maybe never.
Things like canned meats, beans and vegetables can be traded for items like medical supplies, fuel and hygiene products.
Having enough canned food for your needs and some extra for bartering is emergency preparedness 101.
2. Water Filtration Devices

Access to clean drinking water is crucial in a crisis.
People can generally only go a few days without water, so securing water is of the utmost importance to everyone.
Water filtration devices or purification tablets can make contaminated water safe to drink, which obviously is going to command a lot of value in the barter market.
You can trade water filtration tools for items like food, batteries, or fuel.
3. Alcohol

Alcohol’s value as a barter item basically comes down to people’s desire to consume alcohol recreationally.
In a crisis scenario, stress will be extremely high and people are going to be looking for ways to “take the edge off,” so to speak, and will likely be willing to pay dearly for any remaining or stashed booze.
Contrary to popular belief, alcoholic drinks generally contain between 5 and 30 percent alcohol, which means they aren’t effective as disinfectants, nor are they formulated to remain on your skin long enough to kill germs.
You will likely be able to trade alcohol for medical supplies, ammunition or fire-starting materials.
4. Batteries

In a grid failure scenario, people will rely on batteries to power essential devices like flashlights, radios, and emergency equipment. In a crisis, with no electricity, having extra batteries will be a significant advantage.
I was on a campsite once, and someone offered me a two-pound trout for a couple of AA batteries, but you would also likely be able to trade them for food or even solar-powered items.
5. Medical Supplies

In a world with limited or no access to healthcare, bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze, and painkillers will be lifesavers.
Infection and injury management will be critical for survival, and people will be able to trade these sorts of items for food, fuel, hygiene products and water filtration.
6. Ammunition

Ammunition, both for self-protection and for hunting, is essential in a crisis scenario.
The government and law enforcement may cease to exist, which means you are in charge of you and your family’s self-defense, as well as hunting and gathering.
In short, having ammunition could mean the difference between life and death.
Because of how vital it is, ammo will be one of those things you can swap for food, medical supplies, tools, and even other defensive tools.
7. Lighters and Matches

Fire is essential for cooking, warmth, and sanitation, and lighters and matches will be invaluable for anyone who needs to start a fire quickly.
These items are lightweight and easy to store in large quantities.
Fire-starting tools can be traded for canned food, batteries, or clothing and fire-starting tools like ferro rods and others that are reusable indefinitely would be worth even more.
8. Toilet Paper

If you’ve ever been without functioning plumbing and sufficient toiletries for a couple of days, you know how quickly living conditions can become unsanitary.
Hygiene is critical to preventing disease in a crisis and toilet paper is a simple yet essential item that will be in high demand.
People will likely be willing to trade toilet paper for almost anything of value, including food, alcohol, medical supplies, storage containers, cooking fuel, etc.
9. Soap and Hygiene Products

As with toilet paper, maintaining body cleanliness will be essential for preventing illness and infection.
Soap, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, and shampoo will end up being precious commodities for anyone who hasn’t had the foresight or inclination to stockpile these items for a crisis.
People who are used to easy access to these items will likely find that they are willing to trade virtually anything for things like soap, toothpaste, etc.
10. Fuel (Gasoline, Diesel, Propane)

Fuel is life.
It’s necessary for powering vehicles, generators and even stoves. Without functioning fuel supplies, people will struggle with transportation and survival tasks.
If you’ve managed to stockpile things like firewood, butane and propane, gasoline, kerosene and other common fuels, you will be in great stead not only to take care of your own needs, but to trade for any vital items you may not have.
11. Candles

What’s the first thing most people run for when the power goes out?
Well, yes, a flashlight, but people also tend to have a supply of candles.
It’s better to conserve your batteries when you can (especially if you don’t know when you’ll have access to more), so candles are essential.
Candles can also be used to heat small spaces or cook in a pinch. They are easy to stockpile, are cheap to buy and have a long shelf life.
Candles would be tradable for food, tools or clothing in a post-crisis economy.
12. Multivitamins

Most people simply don’t realize how quickly the food supply chain will collapse in a SHTF scenario.
There will be no green smoothie drinks from Whole Foods. In a world where fresh food may be limited, multivitamins will help maintain basic health and prevent deficiencies.
Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), for example, can develop in one to three months when you have a vitamin C-deficient diet, so you can imagine how sought-after something like a few bottles of vitamin C tablets would be.
13. Duct Tape

Duct tape is versatile and can be used for repairs, sealing leaks, creating makeshift tools or shelters, and as a very dynamic piece of medical gear.
The sheer number of practical uses of duct tape makes it highly sought after in any survival situation and tradable for things like fuel, batteries, or medical supplies.
14. Coffee

Coffee is one of the world’s most traded commodities.
Something to the tune of 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day.
It’s such a part of daily life for so many people that it’s easy to forget that caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant.
In a crisis, coffee is likely to become incredibly valuable and tradable for all sorts of items and supplies.
Coffee and caffeine addiction is here to stay, probably forever, including in a SHTF scenario.
15. Seeds

Heirloom seeds can be planted and harvested season after season, offering a sustainable food source.
In a crisis scenario, people are going to need to consider how they’re going to grow their food long-term, which means being able to access heirloom seeds.
If you’ve stocked up on heirloom seeds, you will almost certainly be able to trade them for tools, medical supplies, canned food, fuel; the list is endless.
16. Solar-Powered Chargers

Electricity could be scarce in a crisis scenario, or it could be non-existent.
Either way, solar-powered chargers offer a renewable way to power small electronics like radios, flashlight,s and communication devices without needing access to the power grid.
They are incredible value assets in a long-term survival situation, which means people will be eager to trade other high-value items for them.
17. Warm Clothing and Blankets

In colder climates or seasons, staying warm is essential for survival.
Durable, weather-appropriate clothing and blankets will protect people from harsh environments, which is going to be crucial when heating systems fail and/or fuel sources are scarce.
Stockpiling blankets (especially wool blankets) will allow you to barter them for fuel, food, fire-starting supplies, medical supplies, and other necessities.
18. Fishing Gear

Even if you’re allergic to fish, it’s a good idea to stockpile fishing gear for a crisis scenario.
Fishing gear provides an important renewable source of protein, which will be essential when food supply chains break down.
Rods, hooks, lines, and nets allow people to catch food from rivers and lakes and can be traded for other tools, batteries, and feel as food becomes a critical resource (one that needs to be constantly secured).
19. Knives & Multi-Tool

I remember once watching an interview with English bushcraft and outdoor survival expert Ray Mears, who said that he always has a good knife on him when he goes into the wilderness because “your life is your life.”
With a knife, you can make fire, shelter, and find food.
Many people won’t have a decent multipurpose knife on them in a survival scenario and, therefore, will likely be willing to trade high-value items with those who have one or more to spare.
20. Salt

Salt is an essential commodity with numerous uses in a SHTF situation.
Not only is it vital for seasoning food and maintaining electrolyte balance in the body, but it also plays a crucial role in food preservation.
In a scenario where refrigeration might not be available, salt can be used to cure meats and preserve perishables, extending their shelf life significantly.
Because of its versatility and importance, salt will be highly sought after for bartering.
You can trade salt for items like food, tools, medical supplies, or even fuel. Having a substantial stockpile of salt can give you a significant advantage in a crisis situation.
We are talking about good healthy salts like Himalayan pink salt, sea salt, celtic salt, kosher salt, or real salt.
21. Over-the-Counter Medications

In a crisis, access to medical professionals and prescription medications may be limited or nonexistent.
Over-the-counter medications like pain relievers, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, and anti-diarrheal medicines become crucial for managing common ailments and minor injuries.
They can provide relief from pain, reduce fevers, and treat allergic reactions, which can be lifesaving in certain situations.
These medications will be in high demand and can be bartered for food, fuel, hygiene products, and other essential supplies.
Having a well-stocked supply of over-the-counter medications not only prepares you for your own medical needs but also provides valuable trade goods.
22. Feminine Hygiene Products

Feminine hygiene products are essential items that are often overlooked in emergency preparations.
Items like sanitary pads and tampons are crucial for women’s health and sanitation.
In a crisis, these products may become scarce, leading to significant discomfort and potential health issues.
Because of their necessity and potential scarcity, feminine hygiene products will be highly valuable in barter situations.
You can trade them for food, fuel, medical supplies, or other high-value items.
Stockpiling these products not only supports the women in your household but also provides you with sought-after goods for trading.
23. Tarps and Plastic Sheeting

Tarps and plastic sheeting are incredibly versatile items that can serve multiple purposes in a crisis scenario.
They can be used to build temporary shelters, protect supplies from the elements, collect rainwater, or even create makeshift barriers.
When traditional housing or infrastructure is compromised, these materials become essential for maintaining a safe and dry living environment.
Because of their durability and wide range of uses, tarps and plastic sheeting will be highly valuable in bartering situations.
You can trade them for food, tools, medical supplies, or other essential items.
Stockpiling these materials not only ensures you can meet your own sheltering needs but also provides you with sought-after goods for trading in a post-crisis economy.