
How to Prepare for Emergencies – A Helpful Guide!

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City Tornado

We all like to think that life is going to continue on perfect, and that nothing seriously wrong will ever happen to us. If you still believe that, you have just not lived long enough yet.

We know emergencies happen to other people. We see it on the news all of the time. And if we believe in the Bible we know that the world will get into tough times in the last days.

Emergencies come in all sizes. You may get stranded along the highway, or a hurricane could hit your town. In this article I am going to talk about 6 general emergency scenarios. I will talk about the basic things that you need to do to prepare for each scenario. I will also recommend you to other resources I like for additional information. Hopefully you will come away with some practical ideas you may not have already thought of yourself. 

I have divided this article up into 6 main sections.

Each section discusses one general emergency scenario we may encounter. They range from the ordinary to the extreme. You can either just continue and read the entire article chronologically, or you can use the below links to skip to the section you are most interested in reading first.

The Best Ways to Prepare for Any Emergency

1. Road Trip Emergencies

Car Over Heating

We have all taken road trips where the ideal conditions were not perfect and we worried if we would get stranded along the roadside. Maybe mechanically our vehicle is not in tip top shape.

Or perhaps the weather conditions are not ideal; either blazing hot or blizzard conditions. It seems like most people I know only prepare for an emergency like this if there is some reason to believe they might have a problem. But sometimes we get stranded, or have some other road trip emergency, when we least expect it.

Personal Example

Let me tell you a brief example. Years ago when my oldest daughter was just a baby, my wife and I were moving back to Provo Utah to go to college at Brigham Young University. We had been in Washington State for the summer working, but school was starting again. In preparation for the trip I checked every fluid in my little Honda Accord. I changed the oil, flushed out my cooling system and filled it with fresh anti freeze.

I did everything I could think of to make sure that the vehicle was ready for the trip. The Honda Accord was almost a decade old, but the car had been well maintained and did not even use any oil.

When I was sure the car was in tip top shape, I loaded my little family into the car and we started our 13 hour drive to Provo Utah. To my complete shock and disbelief, about 9 hours in to our trip my engine seized up. It did not just overheat, it completely seized up. My engine was ruined.

The plastic drain plug on the radiator apparently had not been tightened well enough. It had been leaking antifreeze for the first 9 hours of the trip. I was so confident that my car was in tip top shape that I did not even notice the warning light on my dash board light up. (I am assuming it must have come on. I don’t know because I never saw it. And I normally notice those kinds of things.)

I had flushed out that radiator several times before, so I knew what I was doing. It was just a stupid mistake. My point is that when you are on a road trip, stuff sometimes happens. And so we should always be prepared.

Be Prepared

There is a really good book I highly recommend entitled “Roadside Survival: Low-tech Solutions to Automobile Breakdowns“. In it the author makes the comment “There are two kinds of drivers: 1) those who have experienced a disabled vehicle, and 2) those who will.” This is very very true, even if you always drive a newer car.

In this book he gives you the benefit of his experience. He has made over 2,000 free of charge road side assists before writing this book. He likes to help people as his hobby. This book is based on his real life experience, not theory.

What I recommend everyone doing is to get this book, read it, and then keep one in the glove box of every car you own. This will also help you know what basic tools you should always have with you in the car.

What To Bring

My rule of thumb is I like to think worst case scenario. If it is summer time and hot, what will you need if you end up stranded and have to walk. If you are driving in the middle of the night how would that affect things?

If it is winter time how would that change what you need? All of these things should be considered. In my case for example my engine would not start. So had it been winter I would not have been able to run the heater to keep warm.

Having the knowledge to build your own diy emergency heater to keep you warm in winter is essential.

Here are some basic lists I put together. They are not in any particular order:

  Summer Time (Hot) Trip


  1.   Plenty Of Drinking Water
  2.   Water To Add to Radiator
  3.   Easy To Cary Food
  4.   Shade Umbrellas
  5.   Flashlight
  6.   Good Walking Shoes
  7.   Cellphone
  8.   Cash/Credit Cards
  9.  Jumper Cables
  10.  Road Flares
  11.  Tow Chain/Rope
  12.  Spare Tire/Jack
  13. Basic Set Of Tools
  Spring/Fall (Mild) Trip


  1.   Plenty Of Drinking Water
  2.   Water To Add to Radiator
  3.   Easy To Cary Food
  4.   Jackets/Blankets
  5.   Flashlight
  6.   Good Walking Shoes
  7.   Cellphone
  8.   Cash/Credit Cards
  9.   Jumper Cables
  10.  Road Flares
  11.  Tow Chain/Rope
  12.  Spare Tire/Jack
  13. Basic Set Of Tools
Winter Time (Cold) Trip


  1.   Plenty Of Drinking Water
  2.   Jerky/Protein Bars
  3.   Sandwiches
  4.   Coats/Gloves/Warm Blankets
  5.   Flashlight
  6.   Warm Socks/Shoes/Boots
  7.   Cellphone
  8.   Cash/Credit Cards
  9.   Jumper Cables
  10.  Road Flares
  11.  Tow Chain/Rope
  12.  Spare Tire/Jack/Chains
  13. Basic Set Of Tools

There may be other things that you can think of that you will want to add to these lists. The idea is to plan these things out ahead and pack accordingly. The best idea is to have road trip back packs already packed that you just keep in the car with you at all times.

Then you will want to update the perishables on a regular basis so you always have what you need with you.

2. Personal Financial Emergencies

Personal Financial Crisis

We have all heard that we should “save for a rainy day”. Sometimes through no fault of our own we have our own personal financial crisis. The loss of a job for example.

I had a good friend one time who was a dentist and made a very good living. All of a sudden he started having pain in his wrist and hand. The pain was so bad that he could not do his work. Fortunately for him he was able to get treatment and recovered completely. But sometimes things like that happen that you can’t recover from.

Someone like a dentist needs his hands to work for him to be able to make a living. Losing the use of your hands as a dentist could ruin you financially. You have to find some other way to make a living. I know people who unexpectedly lost their jobs one day because the company was struggling and had to lay people off. Their six figure incomes were gone overnight.

How To Prepare

So how do you prepare for a personal financial crisis? The answer is very simple but often very difficult for people to do. They lack the self discipline. You need to live on less than you make, and make a habit of always saving a percentage of your income. You “save for a rainy day”. It is not just a catchy phrase. It is very wise advise.

If you are in debt, you need to get out of debt. And yes this includes your house. Obviously this will take some time. This is not something you can do over night. But with a plan and discipline you can make it happen. The very best plan I have ever seen to get and stay out of debt is The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey. His plan is a proven plan that works. And it is just basic common sense.

So to summarize there are 3 basic steps to properly prepare for a unexpected financial crisis or hardship. They are:

  1. Live on less money than you make.
  2. Get Out Of Debt
  3. Save 10% to 15% of your income.

Another reason why I highly recommend getting and reading Dave Ramsey’s book is because he has also built a community of like minded people all working on the same goals. On his radio show for example when people get completely out of debt they call in and publicly do the “I’m Debt Free!” scream! Once you have read his book, listening to his radio show makes you feel like your not doing it all alone.

Listening to his radio show is great for another reason. When people call in and tell their stories and ask him questions, you can learn a lot, as well as gain a lot of encouragement. Many people following his program have told me that they do better at it when they also listen to his radio show.

Personal Story

Let me tell you another brief personal story to illustrate the importance of preparing against a future personal financial crisis. In late 1987, when I was still single, I was attending Brigham Young University in Idaho, (it was called “Rick’s College” at the time). I had a professor that made a statement to our class that I will never forget.

This professor held up a little paperback book entitled “The Richest Man In Babylon” by George Samuel Clason. As he held up the book he said to the class “If you get nothing else out of my class this semester, listen very carefully to what I am about to say”.

He said “If you will just read and follow the principles taught in this book, you will never want for money; you always have food on your table and the money you need”. He said “It does not matter what you do for a living and how much you earn. If you will follow what this book teaches you will always have an abundance.”

The Richest Man In Babylon is a short fun fictional story that teaches the principles this professor talked about. Dave Ramsey’s book does a masterful job of expanding on those principles and applying them to our modern day world and real life practicality.

I can not over state the importance of learning these principles and living them. There really is no other way to make the promise made by my professor, a reality.

3. National Financial Crises

National Financial Crash

What types of things could cause a national financial crisis? Well the first thing that comes to mind is our government’s bad habit of not living within our means as a nation.

Individuals and house holds are not the only ones who need to live on less than you make, get out and stay out of debt, and save for a rainy day.

Especially in the United States we have a false sense of security when it comes to governmental fiscal irresponsibility. As of the writing of this article we currently have about a 22 trillion dollar national debt. “Deficit Spending”, which means living on more than you make, is considered a responsible way to stimulate economic growth. It is actually considered the best economic strategy by many.

The United States has been protected from hyper inflation (like happened in Venezuela recently as well as Germany after World War I) for several reasons. Because we are the world currency, and because most oil transactions must be done in US dollars, there is an unnatural demand for our currency. Most of the countries of the world must keep a huge inventory of US dollars. This allows America to deficit spend in ways that would send normal countries into massive hyper inflation.

If the US ever loses its status as the world currency, and oil starts being transacted in other currencies, the US will get a rude awakening. All of a sudden there would be an unbelievably huge surplus of Federal Reserve Notes in the market, and the purchasing power of the US dollar would plummet.

Our Corrupt Money System

The other part of the problem is that we allow a group of private corporations known as the “Federal Reserve System” to lend our own money to us. Talk about stupid. But our politicians love it because it is this that allows so much deficit spending, and accounts for much of our national debt. The so called “Federal Reserve System” is a group of private corporations owned mostly by foreign banks. It is less “federal” than “Federal Express”.

The definition of a “cartel” is “an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition”. Drug cartels are a well know example. The central banks of the world are “cartels” by this definition. The only difference is they buy off politicians and get them to pass laws to protect their business. They call this “partnering” with governments, but it is really just simple corruption.

It is the names they name their operation, like the “Federal Reserve System”, and their “partnership” with government, that makes people think they are a part of government. They are often called a “quasi government agency”. The word “quasi” means “seemingly; apparently but not really”. They pretend to be a government agency, but they are not. They are a politically protected cartel.

A really amazing book on the Federal Reserve System is called “The Creature from Jekyll Island“. The “creature” is the Federal Reserve System, and it’s organization was planned in secret on an island named “Jekyll Island” (located just off the coast of the State of Georgia). This book goes through the history and organization of  the Federal Reserve, and explains exactly how they operate.

The video below is a masterful explanation of our US money system. It is the best I have ever seen. It is done by a man named Mike Maloney. His book “Guide To Investing in Gold & Silver: Protect Your Financial Future” is the image on the left. If you are interested in how our current money system works, the 29 minute video below is well worth the time to watch it. It totally explains how corrupt and dumb our current money supply is.

What we need to do is to have the US government print our own money, backed by gold and silver, and use gold and silver. But this would dramatically reduce the power the current establishment has to deficit spend, which is a hidden tax that robs the people of their purchasing power through inflation. I highly recommend taking 29 minutes and watching the below video.

YouTube video

More Possible Causes

Other things that could cause a national financial crisis could be a global financial crisis. If Europe or China, for example, have a huge financial crisis (depending on our current national policies), they could drag the US right into the crisis with them. The more the US lives within its means, and makes smart trade deals, the less a global crisis would affect us.

The less we depend on foreign countries and the more self sufficient we are as a nation, the better off we will be. We need to supply our own energy, and manufacture our own food and goods. We need to live on less than we earn, stay out of debt and save for a rainy day. I am not holding my breath.

Large scale natural disasters and war could also cause a national financial crisis. If our means of communicating and transacting business is cut off due to these things, chaos and financial crisis would ensue.

How To Prepare

Preparing for a national financial crisis includes preparing personally like we discussed in section 2 (see above section 2). You need to live on less than you make, get out of debt, and save for a rainy day. If you do a good job of that you will have the means to make the other preparations we will be talking about.

Being personally financially fit is the first preparation that you need to make. You don’t want a national crises starting, and the loss of income that might bring, to cause you to become homeless. Preparing is really not as hard as you think. Roll up your sleeves and follow the proven plans we have referenced, and you can do it.

Where You Live Matters

In a truly national financial crisis, you and your family will not be the only ones hurting. Many if not all of your neighbors will be without income or purchasing power. Most American homes have less than 2 weeks of food in their cupboards at any given time. People will start getting hungry very fast. Having a home emergency survival kit organized and on hand is imperative.

The first thing that will happen will be that the store shelves will empty. People will get desperate and start stealing and looting for food. Even otherwise honest people will suddenly do these types of things. This is why you will want to try to save up enough food to feed not only yourself and your family, but others around you as much as is possible.

The worst place to live in times like this will be in big cities, (and not just high crime areas). Big cities will get violent and people will be trapped. People in cities are not self sufficient and have very little if any room for growing gardens. People will turn to eating pets and even rats. If you have food there is a very good chance it will be stolen from you.

So part of your preparation will be putting a plan in place where you can be in the safest geographic place possible. You will want to also take into consideration where refugees coming from the larger cities will most likely flee to. The idea here is you will want to store things to support you, your family and hopefully some neighbors. But you don’t want to live in a place will you will be robbed or worse in a crisis like that.

By far the very best book I have ever read on how to pick a place to live that will be safe during a crisis is a book called “Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places” by Joel Skousen. Joel spent his whole life designing bunkers and safe houses for the very rich. Through his work he studied the geography of every state in the union.

He also studied the travel habits of refugees fleeing in war time. This gave him great insight into where the safest places are during a crisis. The most dangerous place is to be in the path of fleeing refugees. His book is a wealth of knowledge. To properly prepare for a large scale national crisis, this book is one that you do not want to do without.

What To Store

What you will want to store is everything that you need to live and function as normally as possible. So in other words things like water, food, condiments, spices, soaps, hygiene products, gasoline, propane etc.

If we had a great depression, or even more so if we had hyper inflation, grocery stores would either run out of food, or the price is too high that you could not afford it. The same is true with gasoline and propane.

One thing many people do not think of as they are planning their emergency storage is medications and nutritional supplements. Some people are prescribed medication that they must take to live. You will want to store up on this or not having the medication could kill you.

One way to do this is by taking 1/2 or 2/3 of your normal dose (if you can do so) and saving the rest. This can be a way to save up a 6 month’s supply or more.

I take some supplements I feel like I pretty much can’t live without. If you are like me you will want to put together a plan to accumulate a store of these supplements.

If you follow the Dave Ramsey program you will save up something called an “emergency fund”‘ This means having 3 to 6 months of expenses in your savings, and at least $1,000 of cash in your home. Having some cash is important in a financial crisis because in the beginning people will still take cash and you can buy some things you need. Once things get worst it will go more into a bartering system because people will no longer trust the currency.

You might also want to have some of your emergency fund put into silver bullion. Once nobody wants cash, silver and gold will be a good bartering tool for a while longer. Eventually if times get really tough nobody will want gold or silver either because you can’t eat it or burn it. At that point your food and fuel supply will be the best for bartering.

How Much To Store

There is a really good book that I recommend called “Emergency Preparedness & More” (see image on left). In this book he goes into a lot more detail on how and what to store than I have the ability to do in this short article. The book is really well done and may just save your life. I highly recommend getting it.

Now to give you some basics. Most experts say that the goal should be to have at least a year’s supply of everything you need to live, including to heat your home. If you can have 2 years supply or more that is even better.

Even if the crisis is short, something like 6 months, you may have to feed more than just yourself and your family. You may have close friends, family members and others who were not as prepared as you. And you can use what you have to trade for things you didn’t think about getting.

Storing this much can seem very overwhelming. However if you have followed Dave Ramsey’s plan, gotten out of debt, and no longer have mortgage or car payments, you can put together a years supply of things pretty quickly. The important thing is to start. You must put together an action plan, and take action. You might just buy a little bit every month. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

4. Localized Natural Disasters


When a natural disaster hits, depending on how bad it is, local businesses could be out of business for months. This was the case with some businesses during both hurricanes Katrina and Harvey.

So once the disaster is over and everyone is safe, what if you can’t go back to work for 3 or 4 months? Are you financially prepared for that? Part of preparing for a local natural disaster is following the personal financial principles discussed above in section 2 (see above section 2).

A localized natural disaster would be something like a tornado, earthquake, hurricane or tsunami. In this type of a situation you may have advanced notice, or you may not. If you do get some warning you may be asked to evacuate. If you don’t get any warning, once the disaster happens your home may no longer be safe, requiring that you flee to safety.

72 Hour Kit/Bug Out Bag

In either case you will want to have everything that you need to survive all together and in a backpack so that you can grab it and go at a moments notice. If the wind shifted and all of a sudden the forest fire is raging in your direction, seconds could be the difference between life and death. Be ready and live.

If you wish to put together a 72 our kit, or bug out bag, a great book to help you do this is called “Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag“, by Creek Stewart. Having a good 72 hour kit for each member of your family can literally be the difference between life and death in the event of a local natural disaster.

And I have been told that having a properly supplied 72 hour kit, (meaning that includes all essential items), can also be the difference between life and death. It will at least make a huge difference in how comfortable you are during a 72 hour emergency. Being prepared brings peace of mind.

Related Article: “What Should I Have In My 72-Hour Emergency Kit?

Sustain Bug Out Bag 2

If you have the resources you may want to purchase pre-made 72 hour survival kits. On the left is a picture of the kit I purchased for my wife, myself and some of my married children. It is called “Premium Family Emergency Survival Bag/Kit” by a company called “Sustain Supply Co”.

I chose to go the pre-made route because I had the means to be able to do so. I looked at numerous pre-made options online before ultimately selecting this one. And still when I got it I could immediately think of a few things I wanted to add to it, which I did. But it did have most everything we wanted and saved a lot of preparation time.

Related Article: “Top 10 Premade Bug Out Bags

Surviving For 72 Hours

A lot of time in disasters you just need to be able to survive until help arrives. Sometimes that means fleeing on foot to get to a highway or higher ground. This is why they call it a 72 hour kit. In most situations you can walk to safety or be found within 72 hours. You just need to be able to survive until then.

I have known people when putting their 72 hour kit together were trying to design it to be able to help them live off the land for weeks or months. That is really not the purpose of a 72 hour kit, or even most “bug out bags”. It is to help you be able to survive while you are traveling to get help, make it to a relatives house, or a safer second home you have out in the country. At any of those destinations you should have additional supplies and for longer term situations.

Local Threat Specific Items

If you live in an area where you know in extreme conditions there could be flooding, then having a small boat would be a form of preparation. If tornadoes or hurricanes are a possibility in your area, then a chain saw to cut trees that fall on roadways could be very important. So what you want to do is brainstorm as a family what you might need for the most likely types of natural disaster in your area.

Have A Disaster Plan

Especially in areas that are prone to certain types of natural disasters you can’t really be reading a “what to do” book in the middle of the disaster. Each single person and each family needs to have thought through all of these things and have a set plan put together of exactly what to do when disaster hits. If it doesn’t you can count your blessings. But if it does having a plan could save you or a family member’s life.

The goal for this website is to provide you with enough ideas and resources to put together an effective family plan for all potential disasters that may come your way. You may want to bookmark this website and check back from time to time as we add new content to it. This will be a very useful resource for people wanting to get themselves prepared.

5. Large Scale Natural Disasters


By “large scale natural disasters” I mean any natural disaster (or disasters) that are large enough that they would affect large portions of the United States all at once.

This would be things like tornadoes and earthquakes going off all over the country, tsunamis pelting our shores and multiple volcanoes erupting. This would be something big enough to dramatically interrupt commerce and travel within most of the United States (or whatever country you live in). You get the idea.

The idea here is that there would be enough natural disasters going on around the country that the entire country is immobilized and unable to help each other. It would be something that displaced and harmed enough people around the country that the federal government would not be of much help. It would be left up to local people to try to aid and rescue each other.

(Side note: In this kind of a situation there would be also a risk of foreign invasion (in my opinion). This would be an ideal time for foreign enemies to move in and take advantage of the chaos and vulnerability. But we will save foreign invasion for the next section of this article.

Life As We Know It Would Stop

How To Prepare For An Earthquake

If our country was hit by large scale natural disasters such that it disrupted commerce, chaos would ensue. The grocery store shelves would be empty, and delivery trucks would not be able to deliver more food to fill the shelves.

Panicking, rioting and looting would break out. The police, paramedics and fire fighters would not be on the job. They would be at home looking after their own families. The same would be true for many or most doctors and hospital workers.

The flow of refugees would be great coming from the hardest hit areas searching for safety, food and help. Many would take to begging from and even robbing from the homes and farms they pass during their exodus. In the inner cities murder, rape, theft and looting would abound. With no police out criminals would not be restrained.

How To Prepare

Even more so than in a national financial crisis, where you live matters. The most dangerous places to live by far is the bigger cities. The larger the population where you live, the more you will find yourself trapped and at the mercy of those around you. If you must live in a city for your job, then try to get some property out in the country that you can flee to in a time of crisis.

If you have family or very close friends in the area, perhaps some of you can pool your resources together to purchase a property like this. If this is the route that you take you will want to have 72 hour kits (see above in section 4) for everyone so that you can survive the trek to such a property. (Actually you should have 72 hour kits even if you don’t have a home to flee to in the country. You still may have to pick up and go on a moments notice.) You will want to have your storage of supplies on a property like this so when you get there you have it with you.

In choosing your location of either a home in the country, or a second home in the country, you will want to avoid buying a property within 5 miles of any highways. Highways will be the main refugee routes as people flee from disasters.

Joel Skousen in the book “Strategic Relocation” says that during the two world wars in Europe, as refugees fled they went to homes within 5 miles on either side of highways to search for homes where they could obtain food. He says that the safest places to live are further than 5 miles off of major highways.

Food/Supplies Storage

You are obviously going to want to have supplies stored up as we describe above in section 3 (see above in section 3). You will want to have food storage both in your home in town as well as in your place of refuge in the country. I won’t go over again here what you should store since I already went over that above in section 3. But it will be crucial that you have it. It could be the matter of life and death.

Plan For The Worst

Even if you do not have property to flee to, if you live in a city you will want to have an out of the way place in the country that you plan on heading to. Again think where will people most likely not want to go. That is where you want to plan on going.

Most often this will be well off of the main highways and probably in higher elevations or on the other side of obstacles most people will not want to bother going past. In situations like this the fewer people you are around the safer you and your loved ones will be.

Remember wherever you pick as your planned place of retreat, you will want to plan your supplies accordingly. If it is a place with a higher elevation, or where there is cold winter weather, you will need warm clothes and tents so that you can survive. Again remember this is a preparation article. Plan ahead so you can execute your plan. You don’t want to be trying to figure all of this out in the middle of the crisis.

Practice Your Plan

If your planned place of retreat is a place with no building on it, you should plan a family camping trip to that area during the most difficult times of year. This way you can test your tents and supplies. You will quickly discover what you forgot or did not plan well enough for. Also consider things like practical self defense in case you encounter unfriendly people along the way.

Spiritual Preparation

In my opinion no discussion about crisis preparation is complete without discussing your relationship with your creator. It is said that there are no atheists in fox holes. So the most important part of preparation consists of putting your own life in order.

In other words we all have a conscience and a sense of right and wrong. Spiritual preparation involves a continual concerted effort to strive to live according to your conscience the very best that you can. If you have enemies or those with whom you don’t get along. Do your best to make amends. Even if you feel it was all there fault, apologize, forgive, make amends.

(Note: On either side of this page I have some various pictures of religious scripture. The pictures are links that will take you to where you can purchase them on Amazon. I do not know what religion you are as you read this.  I encourage you to get the scriptures you know and have a testimony of and read from it every day.)

And finally learn to pray. A wise man once said, “pray like it all depends on God, and live like it all depends on you”. This is sound advice. God loves us. He will provide miracles once we have done all that we were able to do. So do your best to get right with your creator. This is more important than all of the physical preparation we can do.

6. EMP/Foreign Invasion

Nuclear Attack

In my view foreign invasion is the worst possible scenario a country may have to deal with. But if you believe in the Bible many people in the world will be living with this as a reality in the end times.

Some countries are dealing with this right now. As far as the United States is concerned I believe our greatest risk of foreign invasion will be during times of internal armed conflict should such occur, or during times of great national crisis such as major national disasters that weaken our ability to function as a nation. One thing that seems a certainty (at least in the US), a foreign invasion will be preceded by an EMP strike.

So during a time of foreign invasion, all of the same preparations described above in section 5 will apply (see above section 5). The difference will be foreign troops marching along our main highways and into our towns slaughtering and raping our people. Having a place of retreat and  an emergency plan will be very important. Your plan should be practiced so everyone knows what to do long before the invasion happens.

Again you will want to think about where will nobody, including foreign troops, want to go. That is where you want to be. If you have the means to purchase some property there, either as a family or with extended family and friends, this is best. Then you can dig a well, put up solar panels, and make whatever preparations you deem as appropriate.

Again you will want to think through what will you need to be able to survive for at least a year after an EMP strike and foreign invasion. The purpose of this website is to be a resource for these types of preparations.

EMP Preparation

Many experts believe that before any invasion of the United States, the enemy would first do an EMP strike. To do an EMP strike the enemy would explode one or more nuclear weapons above the United States at high altitudes. The electromagnetic energy that would be emitted by a nuclear weapon at high altitudes like this would fry every electronic circuit in which it came in contact.

Instantly everything computer, and most things electrical would no longer work. Literally this could cause planes to fall out of the skies and ship motors to stop running while out at sea.

Street lights would not work, gasoline pumps could not pump gas, medical equipment in hospitals would stop and cellphones would not work. Basically everything electrical would no longer function. This would cause chaos in the country and make a foreign enemy’s invasion much easier.

How To Protect From An EMP

A British scientist by the name of Michael Faraday came up with an solution to this problem. His solution is known as a Faraday Cage. The idea is that electronic devices could be protected from such a blast of electromagnetic energy by completely surrounding them with conductive metal.

The devices would have to be completely sealed within the conductive metal layers. This “Faraday Cage” would block the electromagnetic energy and not allow it to penetrate into any electrical devices within it.

Another point when creating a Faraday Cage, different types of conductive metals are better for different frequencies of electromagnetic energy. A nuclear blast will emit a host of different frequencies. So one school of thought is that you build a “nested” Faraday cage.

What this means is you use multiple insulation and conductive layers. And each conductive layer should be made of a different type of conductive metal so hopefully you can catch the widest possible range of frequencies.

In the near future on this website I will be doing an article, and most likely a YouTube video, teaching and showing exactly how to build a nested Faraday cage.

So besides preparing for an EMP blast, the main difference in preparing for a foreign invader and preparing for a large scale natural disaster, is mainly planning out how to hide from and protect yourself from the foreign invaders. The other thing to think about as well is that during an invasion hiding is not all you are going to be wanting to do.

Most of us will want to organize and run the invaders out if possible. We are not going to want to just hide in the hills as our country is over run. The better planning and preparation done ahead of time will make this easier when the time comes.

If you have extended family, church groups, and trusted friends with like minds, you could put a group plan together now. The more people you can help prepare that you trust, the safer everyone will be.

Grandpa & Roger


Hi! I’m David. For most of my life I have been interested in emergency preparedness. Over the many years things have changed a great deal. From freeze dried food, to LED lanterns, preparing for an emergency has never been easier. The continual research I have done over the years has become the basis for this website. Now it is one of the most trusted sources to learn about emergency preparedness.